Animal welfare is a cornerstone of our business
Animal welfare is becoming increasingly important to consumers and stakeholders around the world. To us, animal welfare is not only essential to our business, it’s close to our hearts.
Animal welfare is win-win
When you partner up with Arla® Pro, you can be absolutely certain that the dairy you use comes from cows that are well-fed and well-looked after, by farmers dedicated to meeting the highest standards for animal welfare. This means a lot to us and most likely to you and your customers, as well.
Farming with heart
Our farmers take great pride in caring for their animals. Every day, they work hard to provide the best possible conditions and make sure that every single cow thrives. After all, happy cows produce more and better milk. But it’s more than just that. Nature is our farmers’ most trusted partner and ally – and partners always treat each other with respect.

Meeting the highest standards
While respect for animals comes natural to our farmers, our quality assurance program Arlagården® ensures that they are all assessed to the same high standards. The program is mandatory and means that farmers must document animal welfare and well-being on a quarterly basis. Only by meeting the high standards can farmers call themselves Arla farmers.
Learn more about Arlagården®
Caring for our cows
Every Arla cow is treated as an individual, and each has a unique ear tag, allowing farmers to monitor their well-being. This means a cow’s feed can be adjusted to fulfil its specific needs, and that each cow has its own record of information. By keeping the cows clean, dry, well-groomed and well-fed, our farmers are doing their best to give them a good life.

Keeping ahead of the curve
To keep our farmers abreast of new developments within animal welfare, they routinely take part in industry-leading training programs. Here, farmers can share their knowledge while getting the latest updates from industry experts on topics such as new research, new feed types or new technology that will improve animal welfare.

Sharing the knowledge
Our farmers share data and insight on farm management to help each other. The data we share through Arlagården® is one of the largest dairy animal welfare benchmarking datasets in Europe. The insight we gather can help us improve our ways of working, but also ensure transparency and accommodate the needs of consumers who want to learn more about how we treat, feed and care for our animals.
Learn more about Arlagården®

Want to know more?
Feel free to contact your local Arla® Pro representative to learn more about the steps we take to ensure animal welfare, or contact us by filling out our contact form.